Senin, 12 Desember 2016

The words I can't say

You're so kind yet so cold
You're quite a hard worker
That's the part I like about you
You don't care about what people think
You just live the life you want
please always be yourself
Always be you that I adore
"please look at me!"
"please say something"
"good luck"
"don't you realize?"
"I'm here" "I understand your feeling"
"I like the way you are"
"do you have someone you like?"
"I want to know more about you"
Those words are what's in my mind
My heart also yells those words
Even "I like you" that will never be said to you..
I just can say it in my heart
You always ask me
About anything but not everything
You always need me when you need something
In your eye, I'm just a useful information giver? Right?
I feel like you really trust me
I feel like you really rely on me
Because you always ask to me...
We always talk at messages
Yet.. We rarely talk in real life.
I'm just hoping you would understand
I hope my feeling will reach you
I know you will never know this if I never say this to you.
I just hope I can tell it to you someday..somehow..
But a greet, a smile, a support from you, that's what makes me happy right now
Sore dake...

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Pastry Chef

Haaa.. Finally I write again after a very very long time...
And this year I'm entering a college life..
I take hospitality management major.
Why? Because I have a dream of becoming a pastry chef and own a big bakery. I'm very inspired of seeing Japanese can make such a very nice cake.
So.. Instead of just eating and spending money, I should try to learn making cakes and make money right? I can't just sit, eating, and SPENDING MONEY. You know now there's no cake that's sold cheap. The ingredients are pretty expensive and of course the cake looks fabulous and tastes like heaven  right..
I know.. I've had some practical in pastry, and I'm still not satisfied. Several times I felt like I've messed it up. But I think I need to learn more and be serious. Because I've  determined to be a pastry chef so I should work very hard.
And..not only because I see Japanese can make cakes in a such creative way, it's also because I love Japan, my beloved dream.. I've always wanted to study there.. And look up for some ikemen lol.
I see it's very hard to be a pastry chef. But I'm going to work hard to be a pastry chef.
I want to take OJT in one of the most top hotel, but I also want to try in one of Japanese patisserie. I think I can learn a lot there *only if I had a cance*
Well, wish me luck on stepping my path..

Kamis, 09 April 2015

AAA Asia Tour in Jakarta 8 April 2015

AAA (Attack All Around/Triple A)
AAA itu salah satu band yg gw suka (*^^*) soalnya bandnya gak cuma cewek/cowok doang, tapi cewek sama cowok. Kan jarang band beginiii.. hehe
Lagunya enak2, tapi kalo favorit gw sih Koi oto to amazora, Lil Infinity, Sayonara no mae ni, Wake Up (One piece op-17), With you/Hideaway (ed Inuyasha FA), LOVE, dll..  Lagu baru-barunya sih lebih enak dibanding yg udah lama.
Pokoknya seneng banget karena AAA bisa ke Jakarta. Dan lumayan lah tempatnya di Upper Room, nggak gitu besar, dan gw dapet spot yg pas untuk liat mereka dgn jelas.
Awalnya... gw sedih karena gak bisa nonton AAA. Habis gw lagi nggak ada duit, lagi banyak pengeluaran dan mau beli hp baru (karena yg lama dah error mulu haha) dan mau nabung buat ke Bali nanti wajib dari sekolah. Sebenernya gak mahal untuk dpt tiket festival, cuma 350rb, tp yg namanya gak ada duit gmn sih -__-
Luckily... gw ikut kuis dari twitter, dan gw dapet tiket AAA gratis. Sebenernya itu dari bantuan cc gw juga gw bisa menangin kuis itu. hahaha tp karena cc gw d kos, kuliah jadi gak bakal bisa nonton.
Kebetulan bgt deh bisa menang! dan gw langsung seneng banget.
Gw enjoy bgt sana lagu2nya. Hampir semua lagunya gw tau, ya paling ada yg nggak hafal.
Pokoknya mereka keren banget deh! Lain sama di foto, dan yg paling berpengaruh itu Hidaka! Dia keliatan ganteng banget dibanding liat di foto. Kalo yg lain sih.. ya hampir2 sama lah kayak pas liat di foto atau TV haha. Urata nya juga keliatan berbeda sih.. Trus Chiaki nya cakep banget pas pake baju pertama. Uno nya juga kawaii banget. Atae keren, Shuta keren juga cuma ya sama2 aja sih hahaha, trus nissy nya juga dance nya keren banget. Gw paling suka sama Nissy, soalnya suara dia bagus, tp kemaren gw fokus ke Atae n Hidaka soalnya ganteng buaahahahhaa.
Pas perkenalan gw gak gitu denger mereka ngomong soalnya belakang gw berisik banget. Gw paling suka perkenalan dari Chiaki, suaranya lucu pas ngomong "nama saya Ito Chiaki" ahahah. entah demen aja gitu. Trus si Shuta bilang "kalian senang?", Uno ad blg "Apa kabar?" kalo Nissy "Selamat malam?", sedangkan Hidaka blg "Selamat menikmati" ya kira2 begitu lah. hahahaha
Dan lagu yg paling heboh itu pas lagu Wake Up, karena itu opening nya one piece pasti orang2 pada tau lah.. Sama kalo nggak salah pas lagu "MUSIC" mereka ada lempar bola2 kecil gitu hahaha.
Tapi gw paling berasa di konser itu pas lagu "show time" itu keren banget dance nya, dan beat nya itu bikin heboh banget dehh~
Trus pas mereka pakai baju terakhir, Chiaki paling sexyyyyy ;) dia cuma pake baju stengah, jadi perutnya keliatan hahaha lol.
Ya seperti itulah konser AAA kemaren di Jakarta.. berasa sebentar tapi really enjoy! saiko!! otsu!!!!♥

Chiaki Ito


Hidaka, Shuta, Uno


Shinjiro Atae

Shuta sueyoshi

Urata Naoya

Jumat, 26 Desember 2014

Annoying Boy

Hello everyone!
It's been a long time!^^
I want to share my story with you..

The day which I had to get my report..
So I came with my mom
The first thing I was annoyed by my teacher. We couldn't take the report if we hadn't paid for the activities administration. But.. he didn't say that to me. I thought I just had to pay the tuition fee, because there's also my friend that didn't get her report because she hasn't paid the tuition fee. (But I had paid the tuition fee)
One day before I got my report.. I paid the activities administration, but only half, because he said that I could pay it half. I said, okay can I give only Rp 450.000 first? and in the next semester I will pay the rest.. (the total is = Rp 1.425.000) he answered like this, "okay, so Rp 450.000"..... He didn't say "Oh, you have to pay the half, so you should pay about Rp 700.000, if you didn't pay for about Rp 700.000 you can't take your report tomorrow". No he didn't say that, he should've said that to me to make it clear! he should've warned me, right?! But he said it's okay. If he warned me before, I could've added it the next day.
So, when I took the report, he said "sorry..but you must pay....." I was mad at that time, I said "but you didn't talk/remind/warn it to me yesterday!" he replied, "oh yeah?" and then he just said "sorry for the unclear information". So my mom had to take the money because my mom didn't bring enough money.(because the purpose was only to take the report, why should bring money too much?) So My mom called my dad to get the money. While my mom was trying to call my dad (she stood behind the school gate) there was a junior high school student drove a motorcycle and rammed so fast into my mom. My mom fell and I quickly asked my mom if she's ok. So that boy who rammed blamed his friend and said that his friend the one who made him rammed. I shouted "Don't blame each other, you look what happened *I pointed my mom*". You know what.. the security just asked them to leave and asked my mom to take a sit! I was like why don't the security called that boy, asking to say sorry, or report it to the teacher? The boy didn't say sorry at all, he also wasn't brave enough to look at me, but I kept looking at him with my mad face (lol). I also shout to him "Hey you!!" but the boy didn't look at me and just went away. I tried to remember his face, because I'm planning to report him to the junior high school's headmaster. Fortunately, mom was ok, she just felt hurt at the beginning, but not anymore.
I really hate this thing.. It's impolite, they have no morals! so rude! If there's something happened with my mom, I would definitely break his life! I would make him know how is it to feel the pain

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014


Hello guys! Hello blogger! :D

poster on the floor! sugoi ne?!

Yesterday, I watched Rurouni Kenshin The Legend Ends.
I was very happy to watch it with my family.
Big thanks to blitzmegaplex, encore films Indonesia, and moxienotion who brings Rurouni Kenshin movie to Indonesia.
I watched Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto Inferno on Friday, Sept12 and The Legend Ends yesterday.
Takeru Sato's acting is perfect. No stunt!! He's really cool. The movie is success! The producer and the casts are so great. They really work hard for this movie. The songs which One Ok Rock makes for Rurouni Kenshin are amazing, ( The beginning, Mighty long fall, and Heartache)

Ok. At the beginning of watching Rurouni Kenshin, I was annoyed by someone in front of me.
So there's a couple.. The boy sat right in front of me. First, I think they didn't really focus for the movie, the boy couldn't keep quite while watching the movie, his hair was very spiky, he always moved around and cuddled with his girlfriend. But that thing was OK cause it has nothing to do with me. But second, his girlfriend kept playing handphone, over and over again, and the ray from the handphone interfered my eyes. It's very glare! She was texting something and showing it to his boyfriend and laughed. I was like "You want to watch or playing with your boyfriend?" Because they did it over and over again, so I kicked the seat of the boy. And he turned his head, he looked behind.. and not long after that, he asked his girlfriend to change the seat (because it's not really crowded and there's still empty seat). I was like "HAHA! Go away!"
You know, I've never done this in my life, I'm not a brave person to do that thing, but I bravely did that because I was really annoyed by them. Even after they moved, they still played handphone. I mean I don't hate them because they were couple and not focus to the film, but the thing that annoyed me. Zzzzzzzz. I was about to take the handphone, my hands were already at the top of their head!
They didn't respect other, if I talked to them kindly, they would be unpleasant, and it would be noisy to argue with them in the cinema. By kicking the seat, the boy also knew and quickly changed the seat.
I know my act wasn't good. It's impolite. But they didn't even show some respect. I didn't hurt them though, I just disturbed them and made them uncomfortable. If they sat on row "A", it's ok to play, cause there will be no people behind. But I was on row "A" and they're "B".

Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Last Weekend

Hello!! It's been a long time not writing this blog.
Yes, I'm busy. (lol)
Okay, last weekend...
On Saturday, my art teacher asked me and Maya-chan to play "pianika". Because we had free time on Saturday morning, so we decided to come. And we will play pianika on Christmas celebration day.
I'm actually lazy to come, cause Saturday is the only day I can sleep longer! lol.
After exercising, we decided to make a video about WEAVER. Some like promoting about WEAVER and talking about the members. haha Maya has uploaded them to her instagram.#WEAVERDAISUKI!!♥
We just can't describe how much we love WEAVER!!!

In the evening, I went to my friend's birthday party at Ancol, Cafe&Lounge Boat.
Dancing, and playing, I had some fun.
Actually, I'm not used to go to a party. I don't like going to the party where I don't recognize the people. I prefer to go with only few friends that I really know. It would be more fun.

Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

Holiday → Bandung

Hello!! :)

Holiday is almost over. What are you doing?
What do you do to spend your holiday?

My cousin invited me to go to Bandung for 2 days. I was also bored at home, so I decided to go with them.
On the first day, I just stayed in hotel, and swimming! The weather and the water was cold, so I didn't swim for a long time. (Just 1 hour :P)  The hotel was near the airport, while swimming there was a plane passed by. It was so close! I always imagine.. "what if the plane went down to the pool" haha. :D
tea at Kampung Daun
I really enjoyed staying at the hotel. The room was clean. I also enjoyed watching TV there (many channels! *TV Cable).

At night, we had our dinner at Kampung Daun. The restaurant was very cool, it's hard to describe, you have to go there! lol

 On the next day, I went to Tangkuban Perahu. The weather was really cold. The scenery was very good!

People from different countries really enjoyed the scenery. There's also Japanese people! :D

I went to strawberry farm too.. picking strawberries! ^.^
It's fun! But... I hate insects! There was so many insects around!