Jumat, 26 Desember 2014

Annoying Boy

Hello everyone!
It's been a long time!^^
I want to share my story with you..

The day which I had to get my report..
So I came with my mom
The first thing I was annoyed by my teacher. We couldn't take the report if we hadn't paid for the activities administration. But.. he didn't say that to me. I thought I just had to pay the tuition fee, because there's also my friend that didn't get her report because she hasn't paid the tuition fee. (But I had paid the tuition fee)
One day before I got my report.. I paid the activities administration, but only half, because he said that I could pay it half. I said, okay can I give only Rp 450.000 first? and in the next semester I will pay the rest.. (the total is = Rp 1.425.000) he answered like this, "okay, so Rp 450.000"..... He didn't say "Oh, you have to pay the half, so you should pay about Rp 700.000, if you didn't pay for about Rp 700.000 you can't take your report tomorrow". No he didn't say that, he should've said that to me to make it clear! he should've warned me, right?! But he said it's okay. If he warned me before, I could've added it the next day.
So, when I took the report, he said "sorry..but you must pay....." I was mad at that time, I said "but you didn't talk/remind/warn it to me yesterday!" he replied, "oh yeah?" and then he just said "sorry for the unclear information". So my mom had to take the money because my mom didn't bring enough money.(because the purpose was only to take the report, why should bring money too much?) So My mom called my dad to get the money. While my mom was trying to call my dad (she stood behind the school gate) there was a junior high school student drove a motorcycle and rammed so fast into my mom. My mom fell and I quickly asked my mom if she's ok. So that boy who rammed blamed his friend and said that his friend the one who made him rammed. I shouted "Don't blame each other, you look what happened *I pointed my mom*". You know what.. the security just asked them to leave and asked my mom to take a sit! I was like why don't the security called that boy, asking to say sorry, or report it to the teacher? The boy didn't say sorry at all, he also wasn't brave enough to look at me, but I kept looking at him with my mad face (lol). I also shout to him "Hey you!!" but the boy didn't look at me and just went away. I tried to remember his face, because I'm planning to report him to the junior high school's headmaster. Fortunately, mom was ok, she just felt hurt at the beginning, but not anymore.
I really hate this thing.. It's impolite, they have no morals! so rude! If there's something happened with my mom, I would definitely break his life! I would make him know how is it to feel the pain