Senin, 12 Desember 2016

The words I can't say

You're so kind yet so cold
You're quite a hard worker
That's the part I like about you
You don't care about what people think
You just live the life you want
please always be yourself
Always be you that I adore
"please look at me!"
"please say something"
"good luck"
"don't you realize?"
"I'm here" "I understand your feeling"
"I like the way you are"
"do you have someone you like?"
"I want to know more about you"
Those words are what's in my mind
My heart also yells those words
Even "I like you" that will never be said to you..
I just can say it in my heart
You always ask me
About anything but not everything
You always need me when you need something
In your eye, I'm just a useful information giver? Right?
I feel like you really trust me
I feel like you really rely on me
Because you always ask to me...
We always talk at messages
Yet.. We rarely talk in real life.
I'm just hoping you would understand
I hope my feeling will reach you
I know you will never know this if I never say this to you.
I just hope I can tell it to you someday..somehow..
But a greet, a smile, a support from you, that's what makes me happy right now
Sore dake...