Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

About Favorite Band

this is me and Maya,
promoting baygon,
just for fun! XD

Me and My best friend, Maya like WEAVER very much!
We think that WEAVER is different than any other band. The songs, and everything.. it's just different, and we love it!!!!!!
Created by : Me and Maya.

(Shota Okuno,Yuji Sugimoto, Toru Kawabe)

Shota Okuno (Bass & Backing Vocals). He always looks cool with his bass or even without his bass! He is so talented in music. According to the interviews, he’s very smart! So we wish that he could teach us Haha :D it’s so good to watch his performance! In Indonesia, we think that many girls really like him!

it's taken by me @IndoJapanExpo
Yuji Sugimoto (Piano & Lead Vocals). His piano performance is very amazing! He’s very talented in music. You know, to sing and play piano is hard! He can also play guitar and harmonica. When he sings, he’s able to put his feelings into the songs, so whoever who listens to the song, also get the feeling. We think that he has a good personality! Makes us want to know more about him!
Toru Kawabe (Drum & Backing Vocals). He’s the one who writes the lyrics. The lyrics are very touching and interesting! He’s amazing! We love his performance too. We think that he is funny and friendly ^^. You know, we can call his performance “Cetar Membahana” (it’s in Indonesian, means very cool performance! – it’s a popular words in Indonesia >..<!)
We hope that someday we could meet them and eat Be-chan’s favorite food, “NASI GORENG!” (fried rice in Indonesian)

10 years in the band isn’t easy. It needs process, and hard work. But we love it that they still hold on and make great songs. They through the lows and the highs, but they’re still together like a family! They keep working hard for all of us! We’re sure that in the next years, they will always be a favorite band in Japan and even AROUND THE WORLD! :D keep improving! We love you WEAVER! 

WEAVER, You're more than a winner !

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