Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014


FINALLY.... I had passed the exams!!
I'm so happy! *not really happy actually! >.< cause I'm not satisfied with the results! To be a Junior High School student, you have to really work hard!

I got 96 in Mandarin, I was hoping that I got 100 but.... I made mistakes! But there's one thing that made me really happy.. Me and my best friend, Maya were the only 2 students in class that didn't have to remedial Math! At first, the teacher asked all of us to remedial, but while I was about to write the no.1 question, she said "Actually, there were 2 students that didn't have to....."--skip-- "You can go out...." // When I went out of class, me and Maya were very very happy! We thanked God that we didn't have to retest. We're so grateful. It's all because of God, not because our strength.. --- We quickly looking for an empty class and listening to WEAVER's songs.. (but we didn't turn on the music loud!) We jumped (like a crazy person)(*´ω`人´∀`*) . We sang 夢 じゃない この 世界! haha ((┌|o^▽^o|┘))♪

The lessons that related to science....(*¬*)
I don't really like science, but the teacher asks me to major science. They asked me several times, but I refused. (* ̄m ̄)
I also don't want to look for a job that related to Science. Science is hard *for me! xD hehe

I love learning language.. Especially, English. I want to learn more about English.. I still have to improve more! I still have to work hard! After I master English.. I think I will learn Japanese! ^^

Ah! Today I went to Japan Foundation to know more about Universities in Japan. The Japanese people are very friendly! I was very happy to talk with them (In English). Also there's a Japanese woman (that explained about Japanese Language School)-- She thought I was a Japanese, so she just spoke Japanese, She said "Konnichiwa!" I said, "Konnichiwa!" then she started talking in Japanese.... I said "I can't speak Japanese!" haha and she started talking in English.

I'm so interested of going to Japanese University.. // yeah it's very hard! the cost is very expensive!
The Japanese people are very friendly!  ヽ(‘∀`○)ノ
Kwansei Gakuin University.. the University which Toru Kawabe (WEAVER) graduated...
Hmm.. I think it's hard to enter that university *according to the one who explained Kwansei Gakuin University (Economics Professor)..........but what makes me interested in Kwansei Gakuin University is.. it's a Christian University.

Hmm.. anyway I wanna watch Kei vs Federer, I have to support him! hihi >.<

Let me hear your experience! ^^
see you again!(*ゝェ・)/~☆Bye-Bye♪

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